By default the root_squash export option is turned on, therefore NFS does not allow a root user from the client to perform operations as root on the server, instead mapping it to the user/group id specified by anonuid and anongid options (default=65534). This is configurable in /etc/exports together with other export options.
Oracle Data Pump Export enables you to specify that you want a job to move a subset of the data and metadata, as determined by the export mode. This subset selection is done by using data filters and metadata filters, which are specified through Oracle Data Pump Export parameters.
Oradump Export Kit 4.1 111
Several system schemas cannot be exported, because they are not user schemas; they contain Oracle-managed data and metadata. Examples of schemas that are not exported include SYS, ORDSYS, and MDSYS. Scondary objects are also not exported, because the CREATE INDEX at import time will recreate them.
The characteristics of the Oracle Data Pump export operation are determined by the Export parameters that you specify. You can specify these parameters either on the command line, or in a parameter file.
Interactive-Command Interface: Stops logging to the terminal and displays the Export prompt, from which you can enter various commands, some of which are specific to interactive-command mode. This mode is enabled by pressing Ctrl+C during an export operation started with the command-line interface, or the parameter file interface. Interactive-command mode is also enabled when you attach to an executing or stopped job.
You cannot export several Oracle-managed system schemas for Oracle Database, because they are not user schemas; they contain Oracle-managed data and metadata. Examples of system schemas that are not exported include SYS, ORDSYS, and MDSYS.
If you specify the TRANSPORTABLE=ALWAYS parameter along with the FULL parameter, then Data Pump performs a full transportable export. A full transportable export exports all objects and data necessary to create a complete copy of the database. A mix of data movement methods is used:
Objects residing in transportable tablespaces have only their metadata unloaded into the dump file set; the data itself is moved when you copy the data files to the target database. The data files that must be copied are listed at the end of the log file for the export operation.
If the database being exported contains either encrypted tablespaces or tables with encrypted columns (either Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) columns or SecureFiles LOB columns), then the ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD parameter must also be supplied.
All objects with storage that are selected for export must have all of their storage segments either entirely within administrative, non-transportable tablespaces (SYSTEM/SYSAUX) or entirely within user-defined, transportable tablespaces. Storage for a single object cannot straddle the two kinds of tablespaces.
When transporting a database over the network using full transportable export, auditing cannot be enabled for tables stored in an administrative tablespace (such as SYSTEM and SYSAUX) if the audit trail information itself is stored in a user-defined tablespace.
If both the source and target databases are running Oracle Database 12c, then to perform a full transportable export, either the Data Pump VERSION parameter must be set to at least 12.0. or the COMPATIBLE database initialization parameter must be set to at least 12.0 or later.
Full transportable exports are supported from a source database running release To do so, set the Data Pump VERSION parameter to at least 12.0, as shown in the following syntax example, where user_name is the user performing a full transportable export:
If you have the DATAPUMP_EXP_FULL_DATABASE role, then you can specify a list of schemas, optionally including the schema definitions themselves and also system privilege grants to those schemas. If you do not have the DATAPUMP_EXP_FULL_DATABASE role, then you can export only your own schema.
Cross-schema references are not exported unless the referenced schema is also specified in the list of schemas to be exported. For example, a trigger defined on a table within one of the specified schemas, but that resides in a schema not explicitly specified, is not exported. Also, external type definitions upon which tables in the specified schemas depend are not exported. In such a case, it is expected that the type definitions already exist in the target instance at import time.
If you specify the TRANSPORTABLE=ALWAYS parameter with the TABLES parameter, then only object metadata is unloaded. To move the actual data, you copy the data files to the target database. This results in quicker export times. If you are moving data files between releases or platforms, then the data files need to be processed by Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN).
You must have the DATAPUMP_EXP_FULL_DATABASE role to specify tables that are not in your own schema. Note that type definitions for columns are not exported in table mode. It is expected that the type definitions already exist in the target instance at import time. Also, as in schema exports, cross-schema references are not exported.
To recover tables and table partitions, you can also use RMAN backups and the RMAN RECOVER TABLE command. During this process, RMAN creates (and optionally imports) a Data Pump export dump file that contains the recovered objects. Refer to Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Guide for more information about transporting data across platforms.
When using TRANSPORTABLE=ALWAYS parameter with the TABLES parameter, the ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD parameter must also be used if the table being exported contains encrypted columns, either Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) columns or SecureFiles LOB columns.
In tablespace mode, only the tables contained in a specified set of tablespaces are unloaded. If a table is unloaded, then its dependent objects are also unloaded. Both object metadata and data are unloaded. In tablespace mode, if any part of a table resides in the specified set, then that table and all of its dependent objects are exported. Privileged users get all tables. Unprivileged users get only the tables in their own schemas.
In transportable tablespace mode, only the metadata for the tables (and their dependent objects) within a specified set of tablespaces is exported. The tablespace data files are copied in a separate operation. Then, a transportable tablespace import is performed to import the dump file containing the metadata and to specify the data files to use.
Transportable tablespace mode requires that the specified tables be completely self-contained. That is, all storage segments of all tables (and their indexes) defined within the tablespace set must also be contained within the set. If there are self-containment violations, then Export identifies all of the problems without actually performing the export.
If any of the tablespaces being exported contains tables with encrypted columns, either Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) columns or SecureFiles LOB columns, then the ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD parameter must also be supplied..
If any of the tablespaces being exported is encrypted, then the use of the ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD is optional but recommended. If the ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD is omitted in this case, then the following warning message is displayed:
This warning points out that in order to successfully import such a transportable tablespace job, the target database wallet must contain a copy of the same database master key used in the source database when performing the export. Using the ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD parameter during the export and import eliminates this requirement.
Learn how Oracle Data Pump Export utility expdp identifies instances with connect identifiers in the connection string using Oracle*Net or a net service name, and how they are different from export operations using the NETWORK_LINK parameter.
Specifying a connect identifier when you start the Export utility is different from performing an export operation using the NETWORK_LINK parameter. When you start an export operation and specify a connect identifier, the local Export client connects to the database instance identified by the connect identifier, retrieves data from that database instance, and writes it to a dump file set on that database instance. By contrast, when you perform an export using the NETWORK_LINK parameter, the export is performed using a database link. (A database link is a connection between two physical database servers that allows a client to access them as one logical database.)
Metadata filters identify a set of objects to be included or excluded from an Export or Import operation. For example, you could request a full export, but without Package Specifications or Package Bodies.
n: If the value is zero or greater, then the export operation is started, and the job is stopped at the object that is stored in the Data Pump control job table with the corresponding process order number.
The ACCESS_METHOD parameter is provided so that you can try an alternative method if the default method does not work for some reason. All methods can be specified for a network export. If the data for a table cannot be unloaded with the specified access method, then the data displays an error for the table and continues with the next work item.
Attaches the worker session to an existing Data Pump control export job, and automatically places you in the interactive-command interface. Export displays a description of the job to which you are attached, and also displays the Export prompt.
The job_name is optional if only one export job is associated with your schema and the job is active. To attach to a stopped job, you must supply the job name. To see a list of Data Pump job names, you can query the DBA_DATAPUMP_JOBS view, or the USER_DATAPUMP_JOBS view.
Use of the CLUSTER parameter can affect performance, because there is some additional overhead in distributing the export job across Oracle RAC instances. For small jobs, it can be better to specify CLUSTER=NO to constrain the job to run on the instance where it is started. Jobs whose performance benefits the most from using the CLUSTER parameter are those involving large amounts of data. 2ff7e9595c