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Download The Real Book - Volume I: Bass Clef Edition Books in PDF Format


Avant l'avènement d'Internet, il était difficile d'en trouver des copies. The New Real Book, également en trois volumes, publié chez Sher Music, et est plus lisible. Le recueil de morceaux diffère de celui du Real Book d'origine, mais certains morceaux y sont repris, dans de nouvelles transcriptions et avec une polygraphie bien meilleure. Le vieux real book contient de nombreuses erreurs (grilles parfois approximatives, tonalités des enregistrements de référence non respectées, accidents - bémols ou dièses - oubliés, et des attributions fantaisistes: par exemple, le compositeur de Journey to Recife n'est pas Bill Evans, mais le contrebassiste Richard L. Evans) et que les "New real books" proposent des relevés plus exacts.

The Real Book - Volume I: Bass Clef Edition books pdf file

Aujourd'hui, des cédérom regroupant un grand nombre des fake et real books (dont les 3 vieux) circulent dans le milieu de musiciens de jazz. Les partitions sont au format pdf. Il va sans dire la vente de ces cédérom est totalement illégale.

What's a real book?It's a book containing the sheet music for hundreds of popular jazz "standards", in a very concise format. It's done this way for easy sight-reading - as well as to allow room for so many songs in a single book! So, rather than full notation, it only includes the notated lead/vocal melody and the chord names for each song, so many songs will be on a single page. The fake book is a great thing to have on a gig; if someone requests (or the bandleader calls) a song that you don't know by heart, you can easily sight-read the changes and jump right in!Real Books are the best-selling jazz books of all time. Around since the 1970s, these books have been in many player's gig bags - but there was one big problem: they weren't legal! These long-used books were printed in small quantities, and the ones you could find were often photo-copied and hand-bound... because they were produced without any regard to copyright law. So no royalties were paid to the composers who created these musical masterpieces. (And you thought that music theft was a new problem!)However - these new books are the first legitimate and legal edition of these books ever produced. Other than the good karma that comes with using a legally produced edition, you won't even notice the difference (oh yeah - one other change: all the notorious errors have been fixed). But the cover and typeface looks the same, the song list is nearly identical, and the price is even cheaper than that of the original!This version is specifically for bassists, and includes 400 songs. See full song list, below.Width: 8.5"Length: 11.0"462 pages

I started working with PDF files of sheet music and music books on iPad since my first iPad in 2017. I have discovered more efficient ways to use PDF files of sheet music and music books using indexes in forScore and other similar apps. I have decided to create indexes by myself to be able to bookmark the multipage PDF properly.

At some point, my Real Book started falling a part, and the problem was that there are so many real books that I couldn't carry all of them. I most often only had one with me, and so whenever a song was called that I didn't know, or didn't have in my only Real book I was carrying with me, well that was a problem.

Having access to various Jazz Real Book PDF books can be a really really helpful thing. Use this site as you please and if you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment in the comment section down below.

Released in April 2020, the entire Bach Shapes book in bass clef, now with etudes also presented in Concert keys, so you can play along with videos or a sax player with the book. UPDATE 2021: New edition of the book, with new cover, and foreword by the great Lincoln Goines is available digitally and in print here and on All of the exercises are written with electric bass range in mind, from E up to about B in the middle of the treble clef.

Early fake books were mainly used by professional bands who performed mostly standards, often more geared to society and dance bands rather than jazz ensembles, and devoted much space to show tunes, novelty tunes, traditional jazz, etc. The first three Real Book volumes, in contrast, contained many bebop and other jazz standards that were likely to be encountered on jazz gigs at the time. For this reason, the books were quickly adopted among jazz players in the 1970s, particularly on the East Coast of the United States.

The original Real Book volumes, like earlier fake books, were printed without securing copyright releases or paying royalties, and they were thus illegal. These unlicensed books were all sold through informal connections, such as for cash in the backs of music stores, and between musicians. In 2004, the Real Book material was acquired by the publisher Hal Leonard and licensed for legal sale. Many new volumes were eventually added to the series, and some of the errors in the original volumes were corrected. These books also inspired a similar series, offered by the Sher Music Co., called The New Real Book.

Only the first volume is the original. The two following volumes of The Real Book were produced. Volume 2 is printed in characteristically "rough" handwriting and transcription, while the third volume is typeset on a computer. The transcriptions in The Real Book are unlicensed; no royalties are paid to the musicians whose songs appear in the book. Consequently, the book violates copyright and is therefore illegal. In the past, it was usually sold surreptitiously in local music stores, often hidden behind the counter for customers who asked. PDF editions of the book are often available illegally on P2P networks.

In 2004, the music publisher Hal Leonard obtained the rights to most of the tunes contained in the original Real Book and published the first legal edition, calling it the Real Book Sixth Edition in tacit acknowledgment of the five previous illegal versions. The cover and binding are identical to the "old" Real Book, and the books employ a font similar to the handwritten style of the originals. One hundred and thirty-seven tunes were omitted from the 6th edition that were in the 5th, and 90 new tunes were added.[5]

Hal Leonard released The Real Book, Volume II, Second Edition in answer to the Real Book, Volume II. This was followed by The Real Book, Volume III, Second Edition (July 2006), The Real Book, Volume IV (December 2010), The Real Book, Volume V (June 2013), and The Real Book, Volume VI (June 2016). These books contain much of the same material as their counterparts, and in most cases charts from Hal Leonard books are compatible with the Real Book charts. In some cases, compatibility issues occur where corrections have been made to some of the mistakes in the 5th edition charts; in other cases, 6th edition charts reference changes on different recordings from those cited in the previous edition. 2ff7e9595c


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